Enterasys Networks 700 User Manual

Page 70

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The MultiSwitch 700 Device View


Managing the Module

Figure 2-21. The Port Priority Configuration Window

To access the Port Priority Configuration window:


Click on Device to access the Device menu.


Click on Priority Configuration and then right to select Port Based from the
menu. The Port Priority Configuration window opens.

The Port Priority Configuration window displays the contents of the
ctPriorityExtPortTable. It has a list box that displays the front panel interfaces
supported by the MultiSwitch 700 module, along with the slot number occupied
by the module, and any transmit priority that has been assigned to those

To assign a transmit priority to a port:


Click to highlight the port interface of interest in the Port # column. Each
interface is identified by its MIBII IfIndex.


In the event that an incoming packet received on a designated port already has a priority
associated with it, you can use the ctPriorityExtPortFwdInboundPriority OID to
determine whether the incoming priority should remain intact, or be replaced with the
priority that you have set for the receiving port.

Use the MIB Tools utility suite to set the ctPriorityExtPortFwdInboundPriority OID
to 1 (for the appropriate port instance) if you want the incoming packet to retain its
originally set priority when received by the port; set the OID to 2 if you want the packet to
take the default priority set for the receiving port. Refer to the
NetSight Element

Tools Guide for information on using the MIB Tools suite.

Highlight a module/port, then
use the drop-down list box to
select a priority (Normal–7).

Click Apply to set the priority
at the device. Any priority of 1
or higher will allow packets
received at the chosen port to
be forwarded from the higher
priority transmission queue.