Configuring connections, Adding a new connection, Configuring connections -4 – Enterasys Networks 700 User Manual

Page 168: Adding a new connection -4

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ATM Configuration


Configuring Connections


Selecting the Refresh button refreshes the connection information displayed in
the window.

Configuring Connections

You can add a new connection or delete an existing connection as described in the
following sections.

Adding a New Connection

To configure new Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs), enter the following
information in the text fields which appear just below the connections list box:


In the I/F text box, click on the down-arrow to the right of the text field, and
drag down to select the interface for which you wish to configure a connection.
All available ATM interfaces will be listed in this menu.


In the VPI text box, enter the Virtual Path Identifier you wish to assign to this
connection. Allowable values are 0 to 3; remember, the VPI you assign will be
used to group virtual connections, allowing for channel trunking between ATM


In the VCI text box, enter the Virtual Channel Identifier you wish to assign to
this connection. Allowable values are 0 to 1023

for each VPI. For example,

you could assign the same channel identifier — say, 25 — as many as four
times: once with a VPI of 0, once with a VPI of 1, and so on. Again, remember
that it is the combination of VPI and VCI that will be used to direct cells
through the intermediate switches between the source and destination.


In the Encapsulation Type field, click on the down arrow located to the right
of the field, and drag down to select the desired encapsulation type. Current
versions of DELHA-UA firmware use 802.3 VC-based multiplexing for bridging
protocols (designated VC MUX 802.3 Bridged); future versions will add
support for additional encapsulation methods.


Click the Add button to add the new permanent circuit to the ATM interface.
The circuit is automatically enabled, and will remain in place until it is
manually removed.


Selecting any of the other encapsulation types listed in the field’s menu will cause a “Set
Failed” error when you attempt to add the new connection.