A.8 *opc? — operation complete query, Figure a-1. gpib commands, Gure a-1.) – KEPCO KLP Series (older -1200 models) Operator Manual User Manual
Page 83: A-1.), Figure a-1.), Re a-1, Re a-1.) as an
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KLP 073008
Return value: <1> (ASCII) placed in output queue when power supply has completed operation.
Description: Indicates when pending operations have been completed.When all pending operations are com-
plete (all previous commands have been executed and changes in output level have been completed)
a “1” is placed in the Output Queue. Subsequent commands are inhibited until the pending operations
are completed. *OPC? is intended to be used at the end of a command line so that the application pro-
gram can monitor the bus for data until it receives the “1” from the power supply Output Queue. (See
example, Figure A-1.)
NOTE: The following example assumes KLP 75-33-1200 with virtual model set for 36V, 33.33A and out-
put operating in voltage stabilization mode.
Clears data from all status registers.
*ESE 60
Enables bits 5 (command error), 4 (execution error), 3 (device dependent
error) and 2 (query error) (see Table A-1) to set the event status sum-
mary bit when an STB command is executed.
Returns 60 (value of mask) verifying that bits 5,4,3 and 2 are enabled.
Invalid command; this will set error bit 5 (command error).
Returns 32 (bit 5 set), indicating command error has occurred since the
last time the register was read.
Returns: "KEPCO, KLP 75-33-1200, mm-dd-yyyy, Axxxxxx, Vx.xx"
where mm-dd-yyyy indicates date of last calibration, Axxxxxx indicates
unit serial number and Vx.xx indicates firmware revision.
Directs status bit 0 to be set once pending operations are completed.
Enables output. NOTE: *RST and power-up condition is output off.
Sets output voltage to 35V, current limit to 30A.
Returns 129, indicating 128 (PON, bit 7 = 1) + 1 (OPC, bit 1 = 1).
Returns 0 (event status register cleared by prior reading).
VOLT 41.5;CURR 21.5
Sets output voltage to 41.5V, current limit to 21.5A.
Returns 1 once command operations are completed.
Resets power supply to output off (zero volts, minimum current).
Enables output.
*SRE 40
Enables bits 5 (event status byte summary) and 3 (questionable status
summary) (see Table A-3) to set the request for service bit.
Returns 40 (value of mask) indicating bits 5 and 3 are enabled.
Returns the value of the status byte register, including bit 6 (master sta-
tus summary), without clearing the register; for example, a response of
96 would indicate 64 (MSS, bit 6 =1) + 32 (ESB, bit 5 = 1) have been set.
A return of 00 indicates no bits have been set.
Sets output voltage to 25V; since output current has not been set, current
limit defaults to the model minimum of 0.4A.
Programs output voltage for 31.2V when *TRG is received.
Programs output current for 2.0A when *TRG is received.
Trigger event is initialized.
Output voltage is set to 31.2V with 2A current limit.
Power supply executes self test of digital controls and responds with 0 if
test is completed successfully, 1 if test fails.