10 internal relay configuration, Internal relay configuration -13 – KEPCO KLP Series (older -1200 models) Operator Manual User Manual

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KLP-HV 073008

2-13/(2-14 Blank)

These signals must be protected from radiated and conducted noise as well as from physical
contact with non-valid driving sources. The following subsections address specific programming
signal applications; in general, however, when accessing this connector from distant locations
or high-noise environments, it is recommended that a shielded cable be used, with the shield
terminated to the system's single point ground.

a. Analog Programming Enable (ANALOG_CTRL)

Connect pin 12 (Analog Control) to pin 9, 11, 13, or 15 (ground) to enable analog I/O pro-

b. External Voltage and Current Programming (V_Ref and C_Ref)

Twist the voltage programming signal V_Ref (pin 3), Current Programming signal C_Ref (pin
1) and ground (pin 9, 11, 13, or 15). Configure Analog I/O switch positions 1 and 2 to use
either voltage or resistance as the programming source. Factory default for full scale output
is 10V or 10 Kohms (see par. 4.3.3 to set lower values for full scale output).

c. Voltage and Current Readback (VOLT_RBACK and CURR_RBACK)

Twist the voltage readback signal VOLT_RBACK (pin 6), Current readback signal
CURR_RBACK (pin 7) together with ground (pin 9, 11, 13, or 15). Full scale readback volt-
ages are identical to selected full scale programming voltages (see PAR. 4.3.3).

d. Remote Inhibit (REM_INH)

Twist remote inhibit (pin 8) together with ground (pin 9, 11, 13, or 15).

e. Fault Connections (RELAY_NC, RELAY_COM, RELAY_NO

It is recommended that normally open and normally closed relay signals RELAY_NC (pin 10)
and/or RELAY_NO (pin 2), respectively, be twisted together with RELAY_COM (pin 4) as
needed to eliminate noise pickup. See PAR. to configure internal relay.

f. External Trigger (EXT_TRIG)

External Trigger may be used with the SCPI TRIG commands (see PARs. B.6 through B.8,
B.43, B.55, and B.93) during digital remote operation. For noise suppression it is recom-
mended that wires from EXT_TRIG, pin 14 and ground (pin 9, 11, 13, or 15) be twisted
together. The external trigger function is only active when set to “EXT” (see PAR. B.93). See
PAR. for additional information.



By using the UTIL menu from the front panel (see PAR., the internal relay contacts
available at pins 6, 7 and 8 of the Analog I/O connector can be configured to operate in one of
three different ways.

• FLT mode (factory default) - the relay energizes upon detection of a system fault. This

mode gives the user three options:
NORM - the relay energizes only upon detection of a fatal system fault,
V->C - In additon to energizing upon detection of a fatal system fault, the relay also
energizes if the unit changes from constant voltage to constant current mode).
C->V - In additon to energizing upon detection of a fatal system fault, the relay also
energizes if the unit changes from constant current to constant voltage mode.
NOTE: For V->C and C->V options a delay (from 0.5 to 128 seconds, factory default is
1.0 second) may be programmed before the relay is energized.

• MANUAL mode - The relay is energized (ON) or de-energized (OFF) at the users discre-

tion from the front panel using the UTIL menu or by sending SCPI commands.

• LIST mode - The relay is energized (ON) or de-energized (OFF) as part of a user-speci-

fied program using the LIST commands.

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