Yaskawa Sigma-5 Large Capacity Users Manual: Design and Maintenance-Rotary Motors-Mechatrolink-III Communication Reference User Manual
Series, Rotational motor mechatrolink, Communications reference

SGDV-COA Converter
SGMVV Servomotor
Rotational Motor
Communications Reference
AC Servo Drives
For Use with Large-Capacity Models
Design and Maintenance
Wiring and Connection
Utility Functions (Fn)
Monitor Displays (Un)
Fully-closed Loop Control
Panel Display and
Operation of Digital Operator
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Front Cover
- About this Manual
- Safety Precautions
- Warranty
- Harmonized Standards
- Contents
- 1 Outline
- 1.1 Sigma-V Large-Capacity SERVOPACKs and Converters
- 1.2 SERVOPACK Part Names
- 1.3 Converter Part Names
- 1.4 Ratings and Specifications
- 1.5 SERVOPACK and Converter Internal Block Diagrams
- 1.6 Examples of Servo System Configurations
- 1.7 SERVOPACK Model Designation
- 1.8 Converter Model Designation
- 1.9 Combinations of Servomotors, SERVOPACKs, and Converters
- 1.10 Inspection and Maintenance
- 2 Panel Display and Operation of Digital Operator
- 3 Wiring and Connection
- 3.1 Main Circuit Wiring
- 3.2 Connecting the Converter to the SERVOPACK
- 3.3 I/O Signal Connections
- 3.4 I/O Signal Allocations
- 3.5 Examples of Connection to Host Controller
- 3.6 Wiring MECHATROLINK-III Communications
- 3.7 Encoder Connection
- 3.8 Selecting and Connecting a Regenerative Resistor Unit
- 3.9 Selecting and Connecting a Dynamic Brake Unit
- 3.10 Noise Control and Measures for Harmonic Suppression
- 4 Operation
- 4.1 MECHATROLINK-III Communications Settings
- 4.3 Basic Functions Settings
- 4.3.1 Servomotor Rotation Direction
- 4.3.2 Overtravel
- 4.3.3 Software Limit Settings
- 4.3.4 Holding Brakes
- 4.3.5 Stopping Servomotors after SV_OFF Command or Alarm Occurrence
- 4.3.6 Instantaneous Power Interruption Settings
- 4.3.7 SEMI F47 Function (Torque Limit Function for Low DC Power Supply Voltage for Main Circuit)
- 4.3.8 Setting Motor Overload Detection Level
- 4.4 Trial Operation
- 4.5 Test Without Motor Function
- 4.6 Limiting Torque
- 4.7 Absolute Encoders
- 4.7.1 Connecting the Absolute Encoder
- 4.7.2 Absolute Data Request (SENS ON Command)
- 4.7.3 Battery Replacement
- 4.7.4 Absolute Encoder Setup and Reinitialization
- 4.7.5 Absolute Data Reception Sequence
- 4.7.6 Multiturn Limit Setting
- 4.7.7 Multiturn Limit Disagreement Alarm (A.CC0)
- 4.7.8 Absolute Encoder Origin Offset
- 4.8 Other Output Signals
- 4.8.1 Servo Alarm Output Signal (ALM)
- 4.8.2 Warning Output Signal (/WARN)
- 4.8.3 Rotation Detection Output Signal (/TGON)
- 4.8.4 Servo Ready Output Signal (/S-RDY)
- 4.8.5 Speed Coincidence Output Signal (/V-CMP)
- 4.8.6 Positioning Completed Output Signal (/COIN)
- 4.8.7 Positioning Near Output Signal (/NEAR)
- 4.8.8 Speed Limit Detection Signal (/VLT)
- 4.9 Safety Function
- 5 Adjustments
- 5.1 Type of Adjustments and Basic Adjustment Procedure
- 5.2 Tuning-less Function
- 5.3 Advanced Autotuning (Fn201)
- 5.4 Advanced Autotuning by Reference (Fn202)
- 5.5 One-parameter Tuning (Fn203)
- 5.6 Anti-Resonance Control Adjustment Function (Fn204)
- 5.7 Vibration Suppression Function (Fn205)
- 5.8 Additional Adjustment Function
- 5.9 Compatible Adjustment Function
- 6 Utility Functions (Fn***)
- 6.1 List of Utility Functions
- 6.2 Alarm History Display (Fn000)
- 6.3 JOG Operation (Fn002)
- 6.4 Origin Search (Fn003)
- 6.5 Program JOG Operation (Fn004)
- 6.6 Initializing Parameter Settings (Fn005)
- 6.7 Clearing Alarm History (Fn006)
- 6.8 Offset Adjustment of Analog Monitor Output (Fn00C)
- 6.9 Gain Adjustment of Analog Monitor Output (Fn00D)
- 6.10 Automatic Offset-Signal Adjustment of the Motor Current Detection Signal (Fn00E)
- 6.11 Manual Offset-Signal Adjustment of the Motor Current Detection Signal (Fn00F)
- 6.12 Write Prohibited Setting (Fn010)
- 6.13 Servomotor Model Display (Fn011)
- 6.14 Software Version Display (Fn012)
- 6.15 Resetting Configuration Errors in Option Modules (Fn014)
- 6.16 Vibration Detection Level Initialization (Fn01B)
- 6.17 Display of SERVOPACK and Servomotor ID (Fn01E)
- 6.18 Display of Servomotor ID in Feedback Option Module (Fn01F)
- 6.19 Origin Setting (Fn020)
- 6.20 Software Reset (Fn030)
- 6.21 EasyFFT (Fn206)
- 6.22 Online Vibration Monitor (Fn207)
- 7 Monitor Displays (Un***)
- 8 Fully-closed Loop Control
- 8.1 System Configuration and Connection Example for SERVOPACK with Fully-closed Loop Control
- 8.1.1 System Configuration
- 8.1.2 Internal Block Diagram of Fully-closed Loop Control
- 8.1.3 Serial Converter Unit
- 8.1.4 Example of Connections to External Encoders
- 8.1.5 Encoder Output Pulse Signals from SERVOPACK with an External Encoder by Renishaw plc
- 8.1.6 Precautions When Using an External Incremental Encoder by Magnescale
- 8.2 SERVOPACK and Converter Startup Procedure
- 8.3 Parameter Settings for Fully-closed Loop Control
- 8.3.1 Motor Rotation Direction
- 8.3.2 Sine Wave Pitch (Frequency) for an External Encoder
- 8.3.3 Setting Encoder Output Pulses (PAO, PBO, and PCO)
- 8.3.4 External Absolute Encoder Data Reception Sequence
- 8.3.5 Electronic Gear
- 8.3.6 Alarm Detection
- 8.3.7 Analog Monitor Signal
- 8.3.8 Speed Feedback Method during Fully-closed Loop Control
- 8.1 System Configuration and Connection Example for SERVOPACK with Fully-closed Loop Control
- 9 Troubleshooting
- 10 Appendix
- Index
- Revision History
- Back Cover