Network requirements – H3C Technologies H3C S12500-X Series Switches User Manual

Page 189

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Priority: 10

Hash mask length: 128

# Display BSR information on Switch E.

[SwitchE] display ipv6 pim bsr-info

Scope: non-scoped

State: Elected

Bootstrap timer: 00:01:48

Elected BSR address: 1003::2

Priority: 20

Hash mask length: 128

Uptime: 00:01:10

Candidate BSR address: 1003::2

Priority: 20

Hash mask length: 128

# Display RP information on Switch A.

[SwitchA] display ipv6 pim rp-info

BSR RP information:

Scope: non-scoped

Group/MaskLen: FF0E::101/64

RP address Priority HoldTime Uptime Expires

1003::2 192 180 00:05:19 00:02:11

4002::1 192 180 00:05:19 00:02:11

IPv6 PIM-SM admin-scoped zone configuration example

Network requirements

As shown in

Figure 55


VOD streams are sent to receiver hosts in multicast. The entire IPv6 PIM-SM domain is divided into
IPv6 admin-scoped zone 1, IPv6 admin-scoped zone 2, and the IPv6 global-scoped zone. Switch B,

Switch C, and Switch D are ZBRs of the three zones, respectively.

Source 1 and Source 2 send different IPv6 multicast data to the IPv6 multicast group FF14::101. Host
A receives the IPv6 multicast data only from Source 1, and Host B receives the IPv6 multicast data

only from Source 2. Source 3 sends IPv6 multicast data to the IPv6 multicast group FF1E::202. Host
C is an IPv6 multicast receiver for the IPv6 multicast group FF1E::202.

VLAN-interface 101 of Switch B acts as a C-BSR and a C-RP for IPv6 admin-scoped zone 1.
VLAN-interface 105 of Switch D acts as a C-BSR and a C-RP for IPv6 admin-scoped zone 2. Both of

the two interfaces are designated to the IPv6 multicast groups with the scope field value of 4.

VLAN-interface 109 of Switch F acts as a C-BSR and a C-RP for the IPv6 global-scoped zone, and
it is designated to the IPv6 multicast groups with the scope field value of 14.

MLDv1 runs between Switch A, Switch E, Switch I, and the receivers that directly connect to them,