Appendix a : protocol configuration commands – Welltech SPCI2S Intel NetStructure SS7 Boards User Manual
Page 91

SS7 Programmer’s Manual for SPCI2, SPCI4 and CPM8 Issue 2
Page 91
This appendix describes the commands and parameters used in the protocol configuration file
config.txt. These are used by the s7_mgt utility to perform single-shot configuration of the protocol
stack at startup.
A1 Physical Interface Parameters
Example: SEPTELCP_BOARD 0 0x0043 ss7.dc3 ISUP-L
Commands to configure a SPCI2S and SPCI4 boards (SEPTELPCI_BOARD) and CPM8 boards
(SEPTELCP_BOARD) in the system.
The logical id of the board within the system in the range 0 .. 15.
A 16 bit value that provides additional level 1 configuration for the board. The meaning of each bit
may vary with different board types. The bits in the flags field are used as follows:
Bit 0 controls the reference source used for on-board clocks when acting as CT bus Primary
Master. If set to 1 then the clock will be recovered from one of the line interfaces. If set to zero
then the on-board clock oscillator will be used.
Bit 1 is reserved for future use and should always be set to 1.
Bit 6 and 7 together select the initial clocking mode for the CT bus as shown in the following table.
The clocking mode can subsequently modified dynamically using the MVD_MSG_CNFCLOCK
Bit 7
Bit 6
CT bus clocking mode
0 0
The CT bus interface is disabled - In this mode the card is
electrically isolated from the other cards using the CT bus. The CT
bus connection commands may still be used, but the connections
made will only be visible to this card. When using this mode, the on-
board clocks will be synchronised to the source selected by bit 0 of
this flags parameter.
0 1
Primary Master, Clock set A - The board will drive CT bus clock set
A using the clock source selected by bit 0 of this flags parameter.
1 0
Secondary Master, Clock set B - The board is configured to drive
clock set B in Secondary Master mode. It will automatically switch to
become Primary Master if the board driving clock set A fails. While
acting as Secondary Master the on-board clocks will be synchronised
to the CT bus clock set A.
1 1
Slave, initially using Clock set A – The board uses the CT bus
clocks, which must be generated by another board on the CT bus.
Initially the board will recover from clock set A, though will switch over
automatically to recover from clock set B should set A fail