Welltech SPCI2S Intel NetStructure SS7 Boards User Manual
Page 10

SS7 Programmer’s Manual for SPCI2, SPCI4 and CPM8 Issue 2
Page 10
To automatically start the driver at system startup, select the ’Automatic’ option from
the "Startup" menu. Note that the system must be re-started for this change to take
effect. It is strongly recommended that automatic startup is NOT enabled until
correct operation has first been verified using manual startup.
2.2.4 Clearing Windows 2000 Install Wizard
The Windows 2000
system may fail to fully recognise that the board is controlled
by the driver. It may consequently produce an "Install Wizard" window for each
board that is present at system boot.
This "Install Wizard" window may be quit without any problems, however the user
may choose to use the work around to prevent the "Install Wizard" window being
presented, thereby removing the need for manual intervention:
1) Select the ’Control Panel’ (Start->Settings->Control Panel).
2) Select the ’System’ icon. In the "system properties" select the ’Hardware’ tab and
then select "Device manager". A ’tree’ of device nodes will be presented.
3) Open the "Other Devices" branch in the ’tree’ of device nodes. One "Network
Controller" will be listed for each installed SS7 board.
Note: additional “Network Controllers” may be listed for other non-WDM cards
located in the system, in which case the user will need to identify which belongs to
each resource.
4) "Disable" and then "enable" each of these "Network Controller". This can be
achieved by right clicking on the device.
5) Reboot the system.
The "Install Wizard" window will then no longer be presented for the device.
2.2.5 Removing the Development Package
Prior to installing a new version of the Development Package for Windows, the
previous package should be removed. This is achieved using the following
procedure assuming a user with ’Administrator’ privilege:
1) Select the ’Control Panel’ (Start->Settings->Control Panel).
2) Select the ’Add/Remove Programs’
3) Scroll down the devices and select 'Septel' and select ‘Remove’
4) Restart the target machine.