Welltech SPCI2S Intel NetStructure SS7 Boards User Manual

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SS7 Programmer’s Manual for SPCI2, SPCI4 and CPM8 Issue 2

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The range of Intel


SS7 Boards includes specialised E1/T1 SS7

signalling cards for use in ISA, PCI and Compact PCI systems. All cards offer a
common interface to the application allowing applications to be easily ported
between hardware architectures. The product designations are as follows:



CPM8 - Compact PCI (previously Septel cP)



SPCI4 - PCI (previously Septel PCI)



SPCI2S - PCI (previously Septel PCI)



PCCS6 - ISA (previously Septel ISA)

The Compact PCI card (CPM8) supports 8 E1/T1 interfaces, two synchronous
serial interfaces (V.11/V.35) and an H.110 Computer Telephony bus (CT bus). It is
used in conjunction with a rear transition board (CPR8RJ).

The PCI card is available in two variants. SPCI4 supports 4 E1/T1 interfaces and
an H.100 CT bus whilst the SPCI2S variant supports 2 E1/T1 interfaces, two
synchronous serial interfaces (V.11/V.35) and an H.100 CT bus.

Both Compact PCI and PCI boards contain an embedded signalling processor
capable of handling up to 4 SS7 signalling links and run identical software,
downloaded onto the board at run time.

The cards provide a suitable hardware platform for running Intel



Protocols for the realisation of Signalling System Number 7 signalling nodes. The
boards can be used under any of the following operating systems: Microsoft*
Windows NT*, Microsoft* Windows* 2000, Linux* and Solaris*. Throughout the
remainder of this document the term “Windows” is used to refer to both the
Microsoft Windows NT and the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating systems.

This manual is the Programmer's Manual for the SPCI2S, SPCI4 and CPM8 cards.
It is targeted at system developers who will be integrating the cards and developing
applications that will make use of the underlying SS7 protocol stack. The manual
includes information on software installation, system configuration, protocol
configuration and operation of the board and SS7 software stack.

The manual should be used in conjunction with the appropriate User Manual for the
board and the Programmer’s Manuals for the individual protocol modules as
detailed below.

Users of the PCCS6 product should refer instead to the documentation for that

This manual is related to the following products: