Welltech SPCI2S Intel NetStructure SS7 Boards User Manual
Page 23

SS7 Programmer’s Manual for SPCI2, SPCI4 and CPM8 Issue 2
Page 23
calling the library function relm(). The library functions are all described in the
Software Environment Programmer’s Manual.
To configure the board using individual messages the following sequence should
be used. (The format of all the messages is described in Section 5 of this manual).
1. Build and send an SSD Reset Message. This contains the parameters to
initialise the ssd module.
2. Build and send a Board Reset Message for each board. This includes the id of
the board and the name of the code file. It causes the board to be reset and the
code file downloaded.
3. Wait until a Board Status Message is received (for each board), inspect the
status field to determine whether or not the reset operation was successful. On
failure you should check carefully the parameters and try again. On success
continue to the next step.
4. Build and send a Board Configuration Message. This contains all mandatory
protocol configuration parameters (such as point codes, physical link settings and
MTP configuration parameters) for the Message Transfer Part (MTP).
5. Wait until a Board Configuration Confirmation Message is received, inspect the
status field which will be set to zero on success. On failure re-check configuration
parameters and go back to resetting the board.
6. Optionally send LIU Configuration Request Messages for each E1/T1 line
interface unit on the board to configure the appropriate operating mode. Ensure
that the status is zero in the confirmation message.
7. Optionally send MTP Config Route Messages for any remote signalling points
(other than adjacent signalling points. The route configuration for adjacent
signalling points is automatically set up using the board configuration message).
Ensure that the status is zero in the confirmation message.
8. If a user part (eg ISUP or TUP) is included in the code file build and send the
per-module configuration message (as described in the Programmer’s Manual for
the User Part Module). Ensure that the status is zero in the confirmation message.
9. If a user part is included, build and send circuit group configuration messages for
each circuit group (as described in the Programmer’s Manual for the User Part
Module). Ensure that the status is zero in the confirmation message.
10. The protocol stack is now configured ready for use in the same way as if the
configuration utility s7_mgt has been used. The user should send an MTP Activate
Signalling Link message for each signalling link to start up SS7 operation.