Your hal tester – Seaward ClareHAL User Manual
Page 133

responses generated. If the tester receives a command
with a command sequence number the same as that
for the previously correctly decoded command, then
the tester simply re-sends its last response without
performing any action – this deals with the situation
where an ACK/NAK/InterimACK is corrupted before
being received by the host.
Two ascii hex digits representing the required
command code.
Two ascii hex digits indicating the item identifier. For
many protocol commands the item identifier is not
relevant and must be set to zero.
Two ascii hex digits indicating the particular item
instance (0 through N). For many protocol commands
the item instance number is not relevant and must be
set to zero.
Four ascii hex digits indicating number of encoded data
bytes in the request. Many protocol commands to not
require any data to be supplied from the host, in which
case the data size must be zero.
Ascii hex representation of the data for commands that
required strings, values, or structures.
Four ascii hex digits representing the 16-bit CRC of all
encoded bytes up to, but not including the CRC value
Responses from the tester take the following form:
Two ascii hex digits representing the command
sequence number received from the host in the
command to which this response relates.
Two ascii hex digits representing the response code
(ACK, NAK, interim ACK).
Four ascii hex digits indicating number of encoded data
bytes in the response.
Your HAL tester