Seaward PAC3760 User Manual

Operating Instructions
Warranty & Repair
Bracken Hill, South West Industrial Estate,
Peterlee, Co. Durham SR8 2SW. England.
Tel: +44 (0)191-586 3511 Fax: +44 (0)191-586 0227
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rev 1
PAC3760 Specification
Maximum appliance current 10A ac 50 Hz
Fuses are located under rear cover.
Fuse: 10A 250v F-HRC (31.75 x 6.35mm)
Fuse: 3.15 A T (20mm x 5mm)
Earth Continuity test
1.0 ohms Accuracy ± 5%
Test current 10A AC (nominal)
Max test voltage < 12v
Insulation resistance test
1.0 Mohms Accuracy ± 5%
Test voltage 500 VDC -0% +20%
Max test current <2mA DC
Leakage current test
Class I pass
5 mA RMS Accuracy ± 5%
Class II pass
1 mA RMS Accuracy ± 5%
Lead pass
1mA RMS Accuracy ± 5%
Note: For MOV appliances use LKGE test.
Polarity test
Checks for Live/Neutral open circuit, short circuit
and crossed connections
Environmental rating
Operating temp range 0°C to 40°C, without moisture
Simple performance check
With the test probe disconnected, a Class I test should
show an earth continuity test fail.
Clean only with a dry cloth; do not use solvents.
Before use, ensure unit is clean and dry; visually inspect
all leads, connectors, and case. Any damage or wear must
be rectified to preserve user safety.
Every 12 months the PAC3760 should be checked and
calibrated (if required) by an authorised agent.
Unless the unit is covered by the guarantee a charge will
be made for checking, repair, and calibration. Estimated
repair charges (where appropriate) and freight charges will
be advised to the owner before work is commenced.
Warranty and repair
Units are covered by a 12 month parts and labour
Seaward Electronic LTD
Bracken Hill, South West Industrial Estate,
Peterlee, Co. Durham, SR8 2SW. England
Tel: +44 (0)191 586 3511
Fax: +44 (0)191 586 0227
[email protected]
[email protected]
Contact Emona Instruments on
Tel: 1 800 632 953 or
email: [email protected]
PAC3760 Introduction
The PAC3760 performs electrical safety checks on:
Class I appliances (CLI)
Class II appliances (CLII)
IEC leads
Extension leads
Leads and appliances with MOVs
The PAC3760 is powered from a 240v 50Hz supply via
the fixed mains cord
An internal 10A fuse protects the PAC3760
The mains supply voltage Phase-Earth (PE),
Phase-Neutral (PN) and Neutral-Earth (NE), is
checked at power-on and before each leakage test.
A supply fault will display “HALT” and inhibit all tests
Test connections
on the PAC3760 are:
15A mains outlet socket on front panel
4mm socket on top panel connects to test probe
IEC inlet receptacle on top panel
Caution: during insulation tests 500v is applied
to the appliance under test.
Do not touch the appliance or the test probe.
Do not connect the test probe to voltages
greater than 30V.
User Interface
The LCD window displays test progress and results.
Tests are controlled using three push buttons.
Automated test routines (x6)
➀ Class I appliance: earth continuity and insulation test
➁ Class I appliance: earth continuity and power-on
leakage test. Also appliances with MOVs
➂ Class II appliance: insulation test only
➃ Class II appliance: power-on leakage test only
➄ Class I lead: earth continuity, insulation and polarity
➅ Class I lead: earth continuity test, power-on leakage
test. Also leads with MOVs
Beware of moving or hot parts on the appliance
under test during leakage (LKGE)
Load tests (within test routines)
The PAC3760 checks the appliance load before
progressing with tests.
LO-LOAD warning indicates that the appliance may be
switched off. The user can then switch on the appliance
and progress with the test automatically, or the user can
manually proceed with the test by pressing CLI or CLII
depending on the test in progress
HI-LOAD warning indicates that the appliance load may
be greater than 10A. The user can decide whether to
proceed with the test by pressing CLI or CLII depending
on the test in progress
LOAD-TOO-HI warning indicates that the appliance may
have a fault. The PAC3760 inhibits the test