Logical unit ports – NavCom StarUtil Rev.G User Manual
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StarUtil User Guide – Rev. G
baud rate, or press the Auto Baud button in the Status Bar of the main window to
Logical Unit Ports
Refer to Figure 7 for the options below:
There are seven logical ports. The available port assignments are Port 1, Port 2, Port Radio, or
None. Port 1 is the equivalent of COM1. Port 2 is the equivalent of COM2. Port Radio must be
assigned to the internal radio models RT-3010 & RT-3020 only.
Logical Port Defaults:
Control: The default is Port 2.
Data: The default is Port 1.
NMEA: The default is Port 1.
NMEA messages must be output from the Data port. They cannot be output on
the same port that is used for Control. Refer to Chapter 8 Log Output Data/View
and Log NMEA Data for details.
The default for the RTK logical ports is None. Depending on configuration, these logical ports
are generally set to Port 1, except for models RT-3010 & RT-3020, which must be set to Port
NCT RTK: Proprietary RTK and UltraRTK™
CMR.out: Enables the output of CMR or CMR+ corrections
CMR.in: Enables the input of CMR or CMR+ corrections
Corrections can be simultaneously sent from the base station to any of the logical
ports, and also the internal MMC Memory Module for logging.
The factory default for the GPS receiver is to output 7 NCT binary messages via
the Control Port 2, and 2 NMEA messages via the Data Port 1. The user has full
control over the utilized message types and their associated rates. Refer to
Chapter 7 Setup Message Output Lists