Ch 11 - the setpoints window, Overview, The setpoints window 11 – Measurement Computing DaqView User Manual
Page 61

The Setpoints Window
Applies to /3000 Series Devices Only
Overview …… 11-1
Accessing the Setpoints Window …… 11-1
Input Panel …… 11-2
Detection Panel …… 11-3
Output Panel ……11-4
Setpoint Configuration Summary …… 11-6
Setpoint Status Register …… 11-7
Certain devices, such as DaqBoard/3000 Series boards and Personal Daq/3000 Series modules, include a feature
which enables the user to individually configure up to 16 detection setpoints associated with scan group
channels. These devices can make use of DaqView’s Setpoints window (following figure).
With possible exception of the two buttons [just beneath the title bar] the window is self-descriptive. In regard
to the buttons, the first allows you to add a setpoint tab to the window; you can have up to 16 setpoints. The
second button is used to remove the last setpoint tab from the window.
The lower half of the window consists of a graphic representation of the configuration setup. This allows the
user to quickly see the relationship of the input signal to the detection signal and the criteria. Though each
representative image is static, the limit and output values change to reflect the actual configuration values.
DaqView Setpoints Window
DaqView & DaqViewXL User’s Guide
The Setpoints Window 11-1