A daqview walk-through – Measurement Computing DaqView User Manual
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DaqView & ViewXL
User’s Guide
A Tour of DaqView 2-5
A DaqView Walk-Through
From Opening DaqView to DBK Setup
The following walk-through is intended to provide quick familiarization with DaqView.
(1) Open DaqView. If your Daq device or DBK signal-conditioning units are not connected you can
select Simulated Instrument as your device.
Note: DaqView versions 8.0 and earlier require Authorization Codes to enable certain functions. A
prompt for such a code indicates that you are using an outdated version of the application. You
can download the latest version from
(2) To familiarize yourself with the three tabs on he DaqView main window, click and observe each.
The tabs are: Channel Setup, Acquisition Setup, and Data Destination
The Channel Setup tab displays a spreadsheet for viewing and changing the configuration of analog
and scanned digital input channels. Each row is dedicated to a single channel.
DaqView Main Window, Channel Setup Tab
Note: Actual DaqView screens may appear slightly different than those shown in the example
screen shots.