Properties of meter windows – Measurement Computing DaqView User Manual
Page 50

Properties of Meter Windows
The meter windows simulate the look of 3 popular meter types: the bar graph, the analog dial, and the
digital readout. Within each meter type, you can adjust that meter’s display properties to fit your needs.
To change the properties, while in the meter window:
1. Place the cursor in the display area.
2. Click the right mouse button.
3. Select Properties.
4. A Properties window will appear and allow you to set:
Scale - set the high and low points and the format (number of decimal places)
Limits - set the high and low points and whether to display these limits
Misc - set option to show the Trend Indicator and/or the Peak Hold Indicators.
Bar Graph Meters Properties
Scale Tab Selected
Digital Meters Properties
Limits Tab Selected
Analog Meters Properties
Miscellaneous Tab Selected
6-4 Meters
DaqView User’s Guide