Ch 4 - the main window, Channel setup, The main window 4 – Measurement Computing DaqView User Manual
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DaqView & ViewXL Use
r’s Guide
The Main Window 4-1
The Main Window
Channel Setup
…… 4-1
Acquisition Setup
Data Destination……4-6
Pull-Down Menus
Toolbar Items
Daq devices differ from one another in regard to functionality. Functions that are not
supported by a particular board [or device] will be grayed-out or hidden as discussed in
chapter 2.
Channel Setup
The Channel Setup window (first tab on lower portion of main window) displays the analog and scanned
digital input channels and allows you to configure them. Each row shows a single channel and its
configuration. The number of rows may vary, but each row has seven columns. Some columns allow blocks
of cells to be altered at the same time (clicking a column header can select the entire column). Other
columns allow only a single cell to change. The table summarizes the function of each column.
Channel Setup Tab Selected
Scope updates take precedence over all other display modes. Heavy scope activity
pertaining to very fast data acquisition, large data acquisition, high averaging, and
auto-rearm is likely to degrade the performance of meters and the spreadsheet
“readings” display.