Functionality differences amongst devices – Measurement Computing DaqView User Manual

Page 11

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DaqView & ViewXL

User’s Guide


A Tour of DaqView 2-3

As can be seen in the preceding figure, when DaqView functions do not apply the non-applicable buttons

are grayed-out. TempBook, for example, does not make use of Analog Output, Digital I/O, Counter/Timer,

or Waveform & Pattern Output functions and the associated toolbar buttons are therefore grayed-out.

Functionality Differences amongst Devices

Device functionality is paralleled in DaqView. If a device does not support a particular function the related

software feature will be disabled (grayed-out), or will not be visible. Before using any of the information in

this document you should be aware as to whether or not it applies to your specific hardware.
With very little exception the following screen images were taken from DaqBoard/2000 Series devices.

The available toolbar controls and spreadsheet information are virtually identical for other devices.
A synopsis of functional support is provided just to the right of each screen.

Window with Available Analog Channels (P1)

The DaqView main window will

appear much as it does to the left

for Daq devices that have:

Analog Input Channels

Digital I/O Channels

Counter Inputs

Timer Outputs

Analog Output Channels

When your device does not have one

or more of these functions, then those

that do not apply will be either

grayed-out or simply won’t be


Consult your hardware user

documentation in regard to features

that apply to your specific device.

Window with no Available Analog Channels (P1)

Certain Daq devices only have

Digital I/O Channels

Counter Inputs

Timer Outputs

In this case all Analog-related buttons

are grayed-out and P1 (Analog Input)

Channels will not appear in the


This manual is related to the following products: