Measurement Computing DaqView User Manual
Page 35

DaqView & View XL
User’s Guide
The Main Window 4-11
Turn All Visible Channels On, Turn All Visible Channels Off
These toolbar buttons can turn all the channels ON or OFF at a single stroke. This feature is convenient
during setup and troubleshooting or if only 1 or 2 channels must be set differently from the rest. Both these
commands are also available from the Edit pull-down menu as Make All Channels Active and Make All
Channels Inactive.
With All Visible Channels On the Channel Reading Button is Enabled
With All Visible Channels Off the Channel Reading Button is Disabled
Channel Readings
This toolbar item enables/disables the Reading column of the Analog and Scanned Digital Input spreadsheet
to provide a numeric view of incoming data. This function toggles on and off when the button is repeatedly
selected. Some windows require the Reading column to be disabled while changing channels or other
parameters. This command is available from the Data pull-down menu as Enable Input Reading Column.
When all visible channels are off, as indicated in the preceding figure, the Channel Readings button is
grayed-out and disabled.
When at least 1 visible channel is on the Channel Readings button is enabled, as indicated in the first screen
image above and the two below. However, even though the Channel Readings button is enabled, it must be
“clicked” to start the readings as in the first figure below. Notice that while the readings are in progress the
Show, Hide, On, and Off buttons are all grayed out and that the Channel On “Yes/No” pull-down is hidden.
See following figure.
Scope updates take precedence over all other display modes. Heavy scope activity
pertaining to very fast data acquisition, large data acquisition, high averaging, and
auto-rearm is likely to degrade the performance of meters and the spreadsheet
“readings” display.
Readings in Progress
The Show, Hide, On and Off Channel Buttons are Grayed-Out
Readings Halted
The Show, Hide, On and Off Channel Buttons are all Enabled