DeLorme 6 User Manual

Page 56

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XMap User Guide


• MGRS (Military Grid Reference System)
• USNG (United States National Grid)
• SPCS (State Plane Coordinate System)

Note When you select SPCS, an additional drop-down box displays for

Zone. Select the zone from the list.

3. Select the datum from the Datum drop-down list.

• WGS84 (World Geodetic System of 1984)
• NAD27 (North American Datum of 1927), which also includes OOH

(Old Hawaiian) Datum when in Hawaii

• NAD83 (North American Datum of 1983)

4. Click OK to commit the change and exit the Options dialog box.

Click Apply to commit the change and keep working in the Options dialog



• UTM/UPS and MGRS coordinate systems are best used with NAD27 datum.

95% of the USGS quads containing UTM grid lines uses the NAD27 datum,

which is helpful if you are comparing a map generated from your mapping
application to a USGS map.

• If the USNG coordinate system is not matched with NAD83 datum, a warning

message displays (unless you selected the Do Not Show This Message Again

• If the UTM/UPS or MGRS coordinate system is mismatched to WGS84 datum,

a warning message displays (unless you selected the Do Not Show This

Message Again option).

• The State Plane Coordinate System originally used NAD27 datum and was

measured in statute miles. Some states have updated their systems to
WGS84 datum and/or kilometers. If you are working with a site map, verify
the datum, distance measures, and zone used and match them in your


To Change the Distance Preferences

Distance preferences affect how distance and areas display throughout the program.
Use the following steps to change the measurement units for distance and area.

1. Click the Options button

on the toolbar and then click Options.

2. Click the Display tab.
3. Select the measurement from the Measurements drop-down list.

• Statute Miles (statute feet are used for small distances)
• Kilometers (meters are used for small distances)
• Nautical Miles/Feet (statute feet are used for small distances)
• Nautical Miles/Meters (meters are used for small distances)

3. Click OK to commit the change and exit the Options dialog box.

Click Apply to commit the change and keep working in the Options dialog
