Helpful tips – DeLorme 6 User Manual

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XMap User Guide


Helpful Tips

These tips may help you use the features in your DeLorme mapping program. The
Did You Know? pop-up tutorials provide hints while you are working in the

• To disable a specific pop-up tutorial, select the Don't Show Again check box

before you close it.

• To disable all pop-up tutorials, click the Help button

on the toolbar and

click Shut Off All Pop-up Tutorials.

• To enable all pop-tutorials after you have shut off one or more, click the Help

button on the toolbar and click Reset All Pop-up Tutorials.

Control Panel

If you want to...

Use this tip...

Zoom the map out/in

Drag the map cursor in an up-left direction to zoom
the map out or drag it in a down-right direction to

zoom the map in.

Pan the map quickly

Position your cursor on the edge of the map; it

becomes a white hand that you can use to drag the
map to the new location.

Update the coordinate
format that displays in

the Control Panel

Update your measurement preferences at any time
using the Display tab in the Options dialog box.

View the last map center Press the middle button in the Compass Rose in the

Control Panel to center the map on the previous map

view. This button performs an undo function for the
last pan or zoom (up to 256 times).


If you want to...

Use this tip...

Create a route using a
road or trail you have

added to the map with
the Draw tab

When drawing a routable road/trail, click each existing
road it crosses to ensure that you can route on the

new road/trail. When you open a track you've
imported from your GPS device, join the imported line

with existing lines by right-clicking each intersection
and selecting Manage Draw/Join.