DeLorme 6 User Manual
Page 39

Map Legend
Camping (at data zoom level 11 thru 13)
Educational Facility
Exit, with services (at data zoom levels 10 thru 11-7)
Exit, without services (at data zoom levels 10 thru 11-7)
Exit, food (at data zoom levels 12 thru 17)
Exit, gas (at data zoom levels 12 thru 17)
Exit, lodging (at data zoom levels 12 thru 17)
Exit, other (at data zoom levels 12 thru 17)
Fast Food
Metropolitan City
National Capital (data zoom level 7 thru 10)
National Capital (data zoom levels 2 thru 6)
Point of Interest (smaller black square)
Population Center
Public Service
Religious (buildings)
Rest Area with Facilities (at data zoom levels 10 thru 11)
Rest Area with Facilities (at data zoom level 12)
Rest Area without Facilities (at data zoom levels 10 thru 11)
Rest Area without Facilities (at data zoom level 12)
Restaurants (general)
Restaurants (specialty)
Small City
State Capital
Unique Natural Feature (at data zoom level 8)