Paging format – 2805 paging parameters, 2805 paging tone off time, 2805 paging preamble – GAI-Tronics MRTI 2000 (No. PL1877A) Microprocessor Radio Telephone Interconnect Installation & Service Manual User Manual

Page 53: Paging format plectron paging parameters, Plectron paging a tone length, Plectron paging b tone length, Plectron paging digits, Paging format – 2-tone paging parameters, Tone paging (a & b) tone length, Tone codeplan

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PL1877A Microprocessor Radio Telephone Interconnect

PC Programming



Paging – Paging Format – 2805 Paging Parameters

2805 Paging Tone Off Time

Each 2805 digit consists of an ON time and OFF time. The OFF time is programmed here, the ON time
is 100 ms minus the OFF time.

2805 Paging Preamble

Allows a user to enter a 2805 Preamble, up to nine digits, for paging.

Paging – Paging Format Plectron Paging Parameters

Plectron Paging A Tone Length

Selects the duration of the first tone of a Plectron paging sequence. Valid settings are 0.5–4.5 sec in 0.5
sec increments.

Plectron Paging B Tone Length

Selects the duration of the second tone of a Plectron paging sequence. Valid settings are 0.5–4.5 sec in
0.5 sec increments.

Plectron Paging Digits

If less than four digits are required as input from the land-line/attendant/mobile user, the remaining digits
are supplied here. For example, if one digit were required from the telephone user, the first three
capcode digits would be taken from this field. This is not applicable to multi-mode paging. The value of
the first two digits cannot exceed 35. The remaining digits can have values 0–9.

Paging – Paging Format – 2-Tone Paging Parameters

2-Tone Paging (A & B) Tone Length

Selects individual tone duration in a 2-Tone paging sequence.

2-Tone Codeplan

Selects the codeplan for 2-Tone paging.

2-Tone Paging Digits

If less than three digits are required as input from the land-line/attendant/mobile user, the remaining
digits are supplied here. For example, if one digit were required from the telephone user, the first two
capcode digits would be taken from this field. This is not applicable to multi-mode paging.