Allow 9 as first digit of phone number, Allow 1 as first digit of phone number, Allow 0 as first digit of phone number – GAI-Tronics MRTI 2000 (No. PL1877A) Microprocessor Radio Telephone Interconnect Installation & Service Manual User Manual
Page 47: Toll restrictions apply to autodial, Maximum length of telephone numbers
PL1877A Microprocessor Radio Telephone Interconnect
PC Programming
Signaling – Telephone Line Dialing – Auto-dial Numbers
There are 25 autodial numbers available. Each number is allowed a maximum quantity of 20 digits.
If the Land-Line Signaling Type is DTMF, the valid digits are 0–9, A–D, E(*) for pause, and F(#) for
revert. For pulse dialing, valid digits are 0–9 and *. A # may be followed by any DTMF digit (0–9, A–
Signaling – Telephone Line Dialing – Toll Restriction
Allow 9 as First Digit of Phone Number
Dialing of phone numbers beginning with the digit 9 can be enabled/disabled. This feature is useful in
prohibiting outside calls from a PABX.
Allow 1 as First Digit of Phone Number
Enables/disables use of number 1 as the first digit of a telephone number. This is useful in restricting
mobiles to local or non-toll calls.
Allow 0 as First Digit of Phone Number
Allows or disallows use of the number 0 as the first digit of a telephone number. When disabled,
prevents mobiles from abusing operator-assisted calling.
Toll Restrictions Apply to Autodial
Determines whether toll restrictions apply to auto-dial numbers.
Maximum Length of Telephone Numbers
Determines the maximum length (number of digits allowed) of a mobile originated telephone number.
Valid range is from 1 to 20.