Dpc enabled, Speed up ebno, Target dpc address – Comtech EF Data CDD-56X Series Vipersat User Manual

Page 80: Figure 3-60 speed up ebno prompt

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Vipersat Configuration

MN/22137, rev 1


Vipersat CDD-56X Series User Guide

DPC Enabled

The DPC Enabled command (enter E) is a toggle that allows the Dynamic

Power Control feature to be either Enabled or Disabled. The CDD-56X is

shipped with the DPC Enabled menu item turned off (Disabled) to allow

entrance link levels calibration during terminal setup.

Speed Up EbNo

Normally, the DPC message is sent every 60 seconds from each terminal in the

network. If the current E




value of the terminal drops below the Speed Up

EbNo set value, the corresponding terminal increases its message send rate to

every 15 seconds until the current value becomes greater than the set value. This

provides a loop speed up to rapidly regain link quality.
Enter Q at the command prompt in the DPC Configuration screen to access the

Speed Up EbNo dialog shown in figure 3-60. The default value for this parame-

ter is 5 dB.

Figure 3-60 Speed Up EbNo prompt

Target DPC Address

The Target DPC Address identifies the modem that is transmitting to this

CDD-56X Demod, and will be receiving the DPC messages that provide the

current E




value for this Demod. Typically, all Remotes will specify the Hub

modem that is supplying the TDM outbound carrier.
For STDMA Remotes, the Outbound IP address is sent out via the Burst Map,

and the DPC Target for these Remotes is automatically mapped to that address.
The Target DPC Address command is used only for units that are Out-of-Band

and will be utilizing the DPC feature. For In-Band units, the target addresses are

handled automatically by the VMS.
To manually configure the target address for an Out-of-Band unit, enter the

number corresponding to the appropriate Demod (1, 2, 3, or 4) at the command

prompt to display the Target DPC Address dialog shown in figure 3-61.