Adding a remote to the stdma group, Figure 3-23 stdma remotes menu screen, Figure 3-24 remote name and ip address prompt – Comtech EF Data CDD-56X Series Vipersat User Manual

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Vipersat CDD-56X Series User Guide

Figure 3-23 STDMA Remotes Menu screen

Adding a Remote to the STDMA Group

Entering the item number for the Remote demodulator/router brings up the

dialog shown in figure 3-24. A prompt to enter the Name to assign to the

Remote unit appears, followed by a prompt to enter the IP Address for this unit.

Figure 3-24 Remote Name and IP Address prompt

Once a Remote has been added to the group, its Status in the group is displayed

by the use of the following letters:

• U = Used – This Remote is being used in the burstmap.

Once a remote has been added to the STDMA group, this status will

always be displayed.

• B = Burstmap – This Remote is currently in the burstmap.

This status will be displayed unless the remote has been removed (R),

disabled (D), or switched (S) out of the STDMA burstmap.