Outbound ip, Cycles per burst map, Outbound ip -16 cycles per burst map -16 – Comtech EF Data CDD-56X Series Vipersat User Manual

Page 50: Figure 3-13 burstmap multicast ip prompt, Figure 3-14 outbound ip prompt

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Vipersat Configuration

MN/22137, rev 1


Vipersat CDD-56X Series User Guide

Figure 3-13 Burstmap Multicast IP prompt

Outbound IP

This menu item, which appears for all Hub configurations, displays the current

Outbound IP address. This specifies the Hub device that is supplying the TDM

outbound to the satellite (typically a CDM-570L). Specifying this address is

necessary for Hub configurations that utilize a burst controller (such as the

CDD-56X) that is a separate device from the TDM modem.
This address must also be defined when using the following features:


The Outbound IP address will be the same as the burst controller IP address

when the burst controller and the TDM modem are the same device.
To define the TDM outbound address, enter O at the command prompt to

display the dialog shown in figure 3-14.

Figure 3-14 Outbound IP prompt

Cycles Per Burst Map

This menu item, which appears for Hub types Fixed, Dynamic Slot, and Entry

Channel, displays the number of spin cycles that will occur prior to each broad-

cast of the Burst Map by the burst controller to the remotes. One cycle is the

amount of time it takes for all remotes in a group to burst on the common chan-

nel. The burst map provides each remote with its allocated bandwidth and posi-

tion in the cycle.