Fail-safe operation, Fail-safe operation . . . . . . . . . . b-26 – Comtech EF Data CDD-56X Series Vipersat User Manual

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Entry Channel Mode Switching

MN/22137, rev 1


Vipersat CDD-56X Series User Guide

their SCPC carrier inhibit flag set. The keep alive message is sent once every

two seconds until re-entry is invoked.

Fail-Safe Operation

For Entry Channel Mode switching, it is useful to describe the fail-safe mecha-

nism used for freeing pool bandwidth.
If the VMS loses communications with a switched Remote for more than three

minutes, it will attempt to return the Remote to its home state. If the revert-to-

home state command succeeds (restoring communications), Entry Channel

Mode will cause the Remote to switch to its initial SCPC bit rate.
If the revert-to-home state command fails, the VMS will send a command to

return the Remote and the Hub demodulator to the state where they were prior

to losing communications, but leave the Remote enabled in the STDMA burst

controller. This provides the Remote with 2 paths to rejoin the network:


If the outage was the result of a power loss at the site, the Remote will reboot

in its home state (STDMA), then acknowledge the receipt of the first burst

map, causing it to rejoin the network through ECM. The VMS will park the

demodulator previously in use and free the bandwidth slot.

2. If the outage was due to an extended rain fade or other communications

blockage with no loss of power, the Remote will rejoin the network via the

previously assigned SCPC channel. When the VMS receives a PLDM, it will

send a revert-to-home state command and free the bandwidth slot and burst

demodulator. The Remote will then rejoin the network through ECM.

Since it is not possible to know which of the above scenarios caused the

communications outage, the VMS will not free the bandwidth slot except

through operator intervention.
Figure B-14 and figure B-15 diagram the time state differences and the process

of recovery. Note that the times referenced in the diagrams are approximate.