Delete remote, Delete remote -26, Figure 3-29 remote scpc data rate prompt – Comtech EF Data CDD-56X Series Vipersat User Manual

Page 60: Figure 3-30 global scpc data rate prompt, Figure 3-31 global switch type prompt

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Vipersat Configuration

MN/22137, rev 1


Vipersat CDD-56X Series User Guide

Switching feature Enabled (see the section “STDMA/SCPC Automatic Switch-

ing” on page 3-32).

Figure 3-29 Remote SCPC Data Rate prompt

The Global SCPC Rate command can be used to set the data rate for all or a

majority of the Remotes. This allows the rate to be entered just once instead of

entering the rate for each Remote individually. Enter G at the command prompt

in figure 3-28.

Figure 3-30 Global SCPC Data Rate prompt

Similarly, the Global Switch Type command can be used to set the switch type

for all or a majority of the Remotes. Enter H at the command prompt.

Figure 3-31 Global Switch Type prompt

Delete Remote

Entering D at the command prompt shown in figure 3-23 brings up the Delete

Remote dialog shown in figure 3-32.