Remove timeout, Remove retry timeout, Remove timeout -28 remove retry timeout -28 – Comtech EF Data CDD-56X Series Vipersat User Manual
Page 62: Figure 3-35 remove timeout prompt, Figure 3-36 remove retry timeout prompt
Vipersat Configuration
MN/22137, rev 1
Vipersat CDD-56X Series User Guide
The display is for information only and pressing any key will return the screen
to the menu shown in figure 3-23.
Remove Timeout
Entering R at the command prompt shown in figure 3-23 will display the
Remove Timeout dialog shown in figure 3-35. Note that this menu item shows
the current setting (in seconds) for this parameter.
Figure 3-35 Remove Timeout prompt
The value entered at the command prompt defines the amount of time (in
seconds) with no communication from a Remote to the Hub before that Remote
is removed from the Burst Map. If communications are lost for this specified
period of time, the Remote is removed from the STDMA group, and the band-
width resources it had been allocated are then made available for use by the
other remotes remaining in the group.
This feature is useful, for example, in an SNG application where a mobile
Remote has finished its assignment and has shut down.
Remove Retry Timeout
Entering T at the command prompt in figure 3-23 will display the Remove
Retry Timeout dialog shown in figure 3-36. Note that this menu item shows
the current setting (in seconds) for this parameter.
Figure 3-36 Remove Retry Timeout prompt