Stdma switch delay, Percent allocation, Stdma switch delay -35 percent allocation -35 – Comtech EF Data CDD-56X Series Vipersat User Manual
Page 69: Figure 3-45 stdma switch delay prompt, Figure 3-46 percent allocation prompt
3 -
Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)
MN/22137, rev 1
Vipersat Configuration
A default setting (95%) is provided, but there may be unique network configura-
tions which require modifying the STDMA Slot Capacity value.
STDMA Switch Delay
In order to minimize unnecessary switching from STDMA to SCPC due to tran-
sient conditions, such as a temporary spike in network traffic for example, a
switch delay parameter is provided. This setting is used to specify a delay before
a switch occurs.
A default value (10 seconds) is provided, but this value can be changed to
accommodate a unique network configuration or application. To change this
setting, enter W at the command prompt in figure 3-43 to display the screen
shown in figure 3-45.
Figure 3-45 STDMA Switch Delay prompt
Percent Allocation
The Percent Allocation menu item, shown in figure 3-43, allows adding a fixed
percentage to the channel bandwidth request to accommodate additional band-
width requirements which may occur after a switch is made from STDMA to
SCPC mode.
To change this setting, enter E at the command prompt to display the screen
shown in figure 3-46.
Figure 3-46 Percent Allocation prompt