D.3 1:1 sspa installation, D.3.1 feed mount offset antenna, D.3.1 – Comtech EF Data KST-2000A/B User Manual

Page 150

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Ku-Band Satellite Transceiver

Revision 9

Redundant Equipment Mounting




1:1 SSPA Installation


Feed Mount Offset Antenna


1:1 SSPA Installation Instructions

PRODELIN 1.8, 2.4, and 3.8 M; Channel master 2.4 and 3.8 M


Using a Spar support bracket as a guide, position two spring nuts in each of the
Unistrut channels of the SSPA assembly. The threaded holes in the spring nuts
must be aligned with the holes in the Spar support brackets and should be
centered in the Unistrut channels.


Position the SSPA redundant assembly on the Spar arm of the antenna (switch
facing the feed support). Fasten the assembly to the Spar arm with the provided
Spar support brackets and 5/16” hardware (4 each bolt, split and flat washer).

Note: When positioning the SSPA assembly, make allowances for flexible
waveguide length from the SSPA assembly to the antenna OMT.