Parameter settings, Specifying the coefficients, Chapter 3. parameter settings – Altera FIR Compiler User Manual

Page 25: Specifying the coefficients –1, Chapter 3, parameter settings

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© May 2011

Altera Corporation

FIR Compiler User Guide

3. Parameter Settings

This chapter gives an example of how to parameterize a FIR Compiler MegaCore


function and describes the available parameters.

The Parameterize - FIR Compiler pages provide the same options whether they have
been opened from the DSP Builder or MegaWizard Plug-In Manager flow.

For information about opening the parameterization pages, refer to

“Design Flows”

on page 2–1



The user interface only allows you to select legal combinations of parameters, and
warns you of any invalid configurations.

Specifying the Coefficients

A FIR filter is defined by its coefficients. The FIR Compiler provides the following
options for obtaining coefficients:

You can use the FIR Compiler to generate coefficients. The coefficient generator
supports single rate, interpolation, and decimation rate specification filter types.
For information about generating coefficients for these filter types, refer to


the FIR Compiler Coefficient Generator” on page 3–2


You can load coefficients from a file. For example, you can create the coefficients in
another application such as MATLAB, SPW, or a user-created program, save them
to a file, and import them into the FIR Compiler. For more information, refer to

“Loading Coefficients from a File” on page 3–6


Figure 3–1 on page 3–2

shows the Parameterize - FIR Compiler page.

You can click New Coefficient Set on this page to define or load new coefficients.
Alternatively, or you can click Edit Coefficient Set to edit the default coefficient set or
Remove Coefficient Set

to clear the currently loaded coefficients.