Note 1) – Altera FIR Compiler User Manual

Page 21

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Chapter 2: Getting Started


MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Flow

© May 2011

Altera Corporation

FIR Compiler User Guide

<variation name>.vec

Quartus II vector file. This file provides simulation test vectors to be used for
simulating the customized FIR MegaCore function variation with the Quartus II

<variation name>.vhd or .v

A VHDL or Verilog HDL file that defines a VHDL or Verilog HDL top-level description
of the custom MegaCore function variation. Instantiate the entity defined by this file
inside of your design. Include this file when compiling your design in the Quartus II

<variation name>.vho or .vo

A VHDL or Verilog HDL output file that defines the IP functional simulation model.

<variation name>_bb.v

A Verilog HDL black-box file for the MegaCore function variation. Use this file when
using a third-party EDA tool to synthesize your design.

<variation name>_coef_in_mlab.txt

<variation name>_coef_int.txt

Text files that provides coefficient inputs for the MATLAB testbench model.

<variation name>_coef_n_inv.hex

<variation name>_coef_n.hex

<variation name>_zero.hex

Memory initialization files in INTEL Hex format. These files are required both for
simulation with IP functional simulation models and synthesis using the Quartus II

<variation name>_constraints.tcl

Constraints setting Tcl file for Quartus II synthesis. This file contains the necessary
constraints to achieve FIR Filter size and speed.

<variation name>_input.txt

This text file provides simulation data for the MATLAB model and the simulation

<variation name>_mlab.m

This MATLAB M-File provides the kernel of the MATLAB simulation model for the
customized FIR MegaCore function variation.

<variation name>_model.m

This MATLAB M-File provides a MATLAB simulation model for the customized FIR
MegaCore function variation.

<variation name>_msim.tcl

This Tcl script can be used to simulate the VHDL testbench together with the
simulation model of the customized FIR MegaCore function variation.

<variation name>_nativelink.tcl

A Tcl script that can be used to assign NativeLink simulation testbench settings to the
Quartus II project.

<variation name>_param.txt

This text file records all output parameters for customized FIR MegaCore function

<variation name>_silent_param.txt

This text file records all input parameters for customized FIR MegaCore function

<variation name>_core.vhd

<variation name>_st.v

<variation name>_st_s.v

<variation name>_st_u.v

<variation name>_st_wr.v

Generated FIR Filter netlists. These files are required for Quartus II synthesis and are
added to your current Quartus II project.

tb_<variation name>.vhd

This VHDL file provides a testbench for the customized FIR MegaCore function

Notes to

Table 2–1

(1) <variation name> is a prefix variation name supplied automatically by IP Toolbench.

(2) The <entity name> prefix is added automatically. The VHDL code for each MegaCore instance is generated dynamically when you click Finish

so that the <entity name> is different for every instance. It is generated from the <variation name> by appending _ast.

Table 2–1. Generated Files (Part 2 of 2)

(Note 1)



