Compile the design and program a device, Compile the design and program a device –9 – Altera FIR Compiler User Manual

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Chapter 2: Getting Started


MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Flow

© May 2011

Altera Corporation

FIR Compiler User Guide

Simulating in MATLAB

To simulate in a MATLAB environment, run the <variation_name>_model.m testbench
m-script, which also is located in your design directory. This script also uses the file

variation name>_input.txt to provide input data. The output from the MATLAB

simulation is stored in the file <variation name>_model_output.txt.

For MCV decimation filters, the <variation name>_model_output_full.txt file is
generated to display all the phases of the filter. You can compare this file with the

variation name>_output.txt file to understand which phase the output belongs. For

all other architectures, decimation filters provide the Nth phase where N is the
decimation factor.

Simulating in Third-Party Simulation Tools Using NativeLink

You can perform a simulation in a third-party simulation tool from within the
Quartus II software, using NativeLink.

The Tcl script file <variation name>_nativelink.tcl can be used to assign default
NativeLink testbench settings to the Quartus II project.

To perform a simulation in the Quartus II software using NativeLink, perform the
following steps:

1. Create a custom MegaCore function variation as described earlier in this chapter

but ensure you specify your variation name to match the Quartus II project name.

2. Verify that the absolute path to your third-party EDA tool is set in the Options

page under the Tools menu in the Quartus II software.

3. On the Processing menu, point to Start and click Start Analysis & Elaboration.

4. On the Tools menu, click Tcl scripts. In the Tcl Scripts dialog box, select


variation name>_nativelink.tcl and click Run. Check for a message confirming

that the Tcl script was successfully loaded.

5. On the Assignments menu, click Settings, expand EDA Tool Settings, and select


. Select a simulator under Tool name then in NativeLink Settings,

select Compile test bench and click Test Benches.

6. On the Tools menu, point to EDA Simulation Tool and click Run EDA RTL



The Quartus II software selects the simulator, and compiles the Altera libraries,
design files, and testbenches. The testbench runs and the waveform window
shows the design signals for analysis.


For more information, refer to the

Simulating Altera Designs

chapter in volume 3 of the

Quartus II Handbook.

Compile the Design and Program a Device

You can use the Quartus II software to compile your design.

After you have compiled your design, program your targeted Altera device


verify your design in hardware.


For instructions on compiling and programming your design, and more information
about the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager flow, refer to the Quartus II Help.