Kipp&Zonen Brewer MkIII User Manual
Page 61
6. Press the yellow button of the Voltmeter while turning the meter from the OFF position to the
DC VOLTS position. Release the button after two or three seconds. The meter will display
three decimal places. (If the yellow button is not depressed while turning on the Voltmeter, it
displays two decimal places.)
7. Allow the lamp to warm up for about 10 minutes. Periodically adjust the voltage to maintain a
stable level of 12.000 +/- 0.003 volts.
NOTE: The external tungsten-halogen lamp should be operated at a constant ambient
temperature. For this reason, it is recommended to perform the stability check on a dry day
when the winds are calm.
Computer Set-up:
1. Press Home to interrupt the Brewer schedule and return control to the Main Menu screen.
2. Issue the hphg commands. The HP will execute, and after a 5 minute lamp warm-up, the
HG will perform a wavelength calibration.
3. Type the command sequence pdqlhphg and press Enter.
- pd turns on the printer
- ql initiates a “Quick Lamp Scan” of the UV lamp
- hp aligns the gratings
- hg does a mercury line wavelength calibration
4. When prompted to do so, enter the following:
- the 3 digit lamp number.
- press Return when prompted to confirm detector distance is 5 cm.
- if the voltmeter is stable at 12.000 volts, press delete to bypass lamp warm-up delay.
5. The software will then initiate the four commands in sequence and print the results on the
screen and o the D-file. Note the pf command must be used to close this file properly.
The “quick lamp scan” print-out lists the following:
- measurement wavelength, in nm.
- lamp intensity in counts per second
- percent change from initial measurement in the QL_lamp.### file
Subsequent Lamps:
1. After the “quick scan” has finished, the UV lamp power supply can be turned off and the
VERY HOT lamp can be removed from the socket. The lamp should be allowed to cool
adequately prior to storing back in the case.
2. Repeat the test for each lamp to be scanned.
CAUTION! These lamps have a limited life expectancy. Do not leave the lamps on for an
extended period.