Kipp&Zonen Brewer MkIII User Manual

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1. Turn off Brewer power

2. On the High Voltage module change jumper J2 from Pins 2-3 to Pins 1-2, and restore

Brewer power.

3. Enter the HV command, and at the prompts, enter the PMT number, the preamp

discriminator level, the minimum, maximum and incremental voltages for the test. For the
PMT serno. and voltage settings see the Final Test Record.

WARNING: A photomultiplier, which is subjected to a too high voltage, may lead to

irreversible damage of the PMT and/or can decrease its lifetime.
The maximum allowable voltage is PMT specific. It is therefore recommended
not to exceed the voltages for your PMT as mentioned in the Final Test

4. The Standard Lamp is turned ON, FW#1 is put to Position 1, FW#2 to Position 0, the Iris is

opened, and the zenith prism turned to the lamp housing.

5. Following a 5 minute lamp warmup, the test runs, and data is written to the DJJJYY.nnn file

and to a HVJJJYY.nnn file.

Table F-2 : Typical photomultiplier response output

Photomultiplier S/N 10256 Preamp voltage level:10

Control voltage Dark Count Wavelength 1 Ratio Actual voltage

750 9 10 3 747.2
761 4 10 5 757.3
771 4 15 8 769.3
782 5 25 11 781.3
792 6 49 20 791.3
803 3 79 46 803.4
813 2 238 168 813.4
824 3 648 374 825.4
834 4 1814 907 837.4
845 4 4466 2233 847.5
855 8 9244 3268 857.5
866 4 16883 8442 869.5
876 5 27775 12421 879.5
887 7 40973 15486 891.5
897 6 55779 22772 901.6
908 10 71077 22477 911.6
918 9 86191 28730 923.6
929 8 99579 35206 933.6
939 17 111900 27140 943.7
950 9 122532 40844 955.7
960 11 131484 39644 965.7
971 14 138978 37143 975.7