Kipp&Zonen Brewer MkIII User Manual
Page 42
DSSUM Direct Sun Data Summary
DSSUM reads the daily Data (B) file and printouts out the summary of the day’s DS
measurements. An entry is also made to the OZOAVGYY.nnn file. The DSSUM command is
usually used as part of the ED command.
See also Appendix .
Dead Time Measurement
Dead Time is a measure of how long a photon counting circuit is “dead” (or cannot count a
second photon) after a first photon has been detected. This characteristic of counting circuits
can lead to counting errors especially at high photon rates if not compensated for. The DT
command initiates a test for the measurement of the dead time of the Photon counting
circuits of the Brewer. The DT command is normally executed as part of the ED routine and
the test results are recorded in the DTOAVG file. Times differences of greater than 5%
should be investigated.
The dead time for each instrument is manually record in the Instrument Constants File and
can be seen on the PO command printout.
For this test the iris is closed, FW#1 is put to position 1. Measurements are made at high
intensities (FW#2=0), and at low intensities (FW#2=1).
See Appendix F and Appendix .
End of Day
At the end of each solar day (solar midnight) it is desirable to summarise, sort, and print out
the results of the tests and observations taken the previous day. This may be achieved by
using the ED command.
The ED routine:
summarises data into an “S” file (see SUM).
sorts and prints data from observations and tests (see OZSUM, FMSUM, FZSUM,
prints constants and monitored values (see PO, AP).
executes a series of tests (see HG, SL, DT, RS, SR, RE, FR)
The first command in ED is a print command, which directs the printout to the printer (see
PN) or to a disk file (see PD). If the operator wishes to change the printing path, either the
ED-PD.RTN or ED-PN.RTN must be copied to ED.RTN.
An operator may run ED at any time. If the Brewer is running in a schedule (see SKC), the
ED command is initiated automatically at solar midnight.
See also ED-PD and ED-PN.
ED-PD End of Day, print to disk
ED-PD and ED-PN are the same as the ED command but the operator may easily select the
method of printout. In the Brewer program directory, either the ED-PD.RTN or the ED-
PN.RTN may be copied to the ED.RTN, resulting in the ED printout being directed to a disk
file or to the line printer (see PD and PN commands). See also ED, ED-PN commands.
ED-PN End of Day, print to printer
See ED, ED-PD commands.
END_DAY End of Day (past day)
Command Syntax: END_DAY Feb29/98 or END_DAY 06098
END_Day performs an End of Day on a previous day’s data. For the command syntax
example: if the raw data file B06098.nnn exists, a Summary file (S06098.nnn) will be created
and summary files printed.
Form Feed
FF results in a Form Feed on the printer.