Kipp&Zonen Brewer MkIII User Manual

Page 46

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When the equipment has been set up as per the instructions in Section of this manual, and
the QS command issued, a report is generated which shows the stability of the instrument at
3.5nm increments using the first generated set of readings as a reference.
For the test, the iris is opened, FW#1 is set to position 3, and FW#2 is set to position 1.
See Appendix A for the LAMP_LLL.nnn file, and Section 6 for more on QS.


Lamp Quick Scan
QL is a command based on the QS command. The QL command measures at 12
wavelengths for MKII instruments and at 24 wavelengths for MKIII and MKIV.
Enhancements compared to the QS routine are that QL measures over the complete UV
range for all Brewer types, including on slit 5. The QL output file has corrected (not raw)
For the test, the iris is opened, FW#1 is set to position 3, and FW#2 is set to position 1.
See Appendix A for the QL___LLL.nnn file, and Section 6 for more on QL.


RE initialises all of the Brewer motors (similar to the ‘Power On’ initialization), and moves
them to positions as defined in the Instruments Constants File.
Following a RE, the iris is closed, FW#1 is in position 1 and FW#2 is in position 3.

REP Report

REP displays (or prints) the SLOAVG, HGOAVG, APOAVG, DTOAVG, MIOAVG, and
RSOAVG over a user selected range of days.


Slit Mask Run/Stop Test
A malfunction in the slit mask motor circuit or in the slit mask itself can result in improper
counting and consequently incorrect data. The RS test produces a report on the operation of
the Slit Mask Motor by taking measurements in the “Running” and “Stopped” modes of the
Slit Mask Motor.
The RS command is normally executed as part of the ED routine and the test results are
recorded in the RSOAVG file.
For the RS test, FW#1 is set to position 1, FW#2 is set to position 0 and the iris is open.
RS values consistently outside the range of 0.997 to 1.003 for slitmask positions 2 to 6
should be investigated.
See Appendix F for an explanation of the RS test, and Appendix A for the RSOAVG.nnn file.


Solar Angle Printout
SA will generate a printout of GMT vs. air mass, solar zenith angle and lunar zenith angle for
the day and location currently in use. Printouts for pasts and future dates are possible by
simply changing the Brewer system date.


Direct Sun Scan
This test is normally a factory pre-calibration test, the SC determines the optimal operating
position of the diffraction grating(s) for taking ozone measurements.
Each individual scan is saved to a SCJJJYY.NNN data file, the SC output average values
are added to the SCOAVG.NNN file. This command can be used in schedules.
A set of good sun scans taken between zenith angles of 48 and 66 degrees will provide
useful information preliminary to an ozone re-calibration.


Schedule Edit
SE is used to create or modify Brewer operating schedules, which are stored as “.SKD” files
in the Brewer directory. Brewer schedules consist of two columns of data - a solar zenith
angle, and a string of commands. The string of commands is executed at the corresponding
solar zenith angle. The SA command is useful for converting GMT to solar angle.
See Section 8 for more on designing schedules.
See also the SK and SKC commands.