Copied files, Lonnvtypes.h and loncptypes.h – Echelon FTXL User Manual

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Using the LonTalk Interface Developer Utility





These files form the FTXL application framework, which defines the FTXL device

initialization data and self-identification data for use in initialization phase,
including communication parameters and everything you need to begin device

development. The framework includes ANSI C type definitions for network

variable and configuration property types used with the application, and
implements them as global application variables.
To include these files in your application, include the FtxlDev.h file in your FTXL
application using an ANSI C #include statement, and add the FtxlDev.c file to

your project so that it can be compiled and linked.
The following sections describe the copied and generated files.

Copied Files

The LonTalk Interface Developer utility copies the following files into your

project directory if no file with the same name already exists:

• FtxlApi.h
• FtxlHal.c
• FtxlHal.h
• FtxlHandlers.c
• FtxlNvdFlashDirect.c
• FtxlNvdFlashFs.c
• FtxlNvdUserDefined.c
• FtxlOsal.c
• FtxlOsal.h
• FtxlTypes.h
• libFtxl100.a
• LonPlatform.h

Existing files with the same name, even if they are not write-protected, are not

overwritten by the utility.
Other than FtxlDev.h, you do not normally have to explicitly include any of the
header files with your application source, because the FtxlDev.h file already

includes the required files.

You must ensure that the libFtxl100.a library and the various C files are

available to your project so that they can be compiled and linked with your


LonNvTypes.h and LonCpTypes.h

The LonNvTypes.h file defines network variable types, and includes type

definitions for standard or user network variable types (SNVTs or UNVTs). See

Using Types

on page 64 for more information on the generated types.