File directory, Shutting down the ftxl device – Echelon FTXL User Manual

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FTXL User’s Guide


File Directory

The LonTalk Interface Developer utility produces a configurable file directory

structure, which supports:

• Using named or unnamed files (the DMF framework uses unnamed files

by default, whereas FTP uses named files)

• Up to 64 KB of data for each file
• For the DMF framework: Up to a total of 64 KB for all files plus the file

directory itself

• For FTP: unlimited size

The utility initializes the file directory depending on the chosen access method.

The directory can be used with an FTP server implementation or the file access

host memory window implementation. The initialization that the utility provides
works for both little-endian and big-endian host processors.
The FtxlDev.h header file allows you to customize the file directory structure, if


Shutting Down the FTXL Device

To perform an orderly shutdown of an FTXL device, your application can call the

LonExit() API function. The implementation of this function is generated by the

LonTalk Interface Developer utility, and is included in the FtxlDev.c file. This
function calls the LonLidDestroyStack() API function to stop the FTXL LonTalk

protocol stack and free its resources. In addition, the LonExit() function can

perform any clean-up for the application, such as deleting operating system
events and other resources.
After your application calls the LonExit() function, it can call the LonInit()
function again. However, if you want to change the FTXL LonTalk protocol

stack’s interface, you must reboot the device.