Overview of the example applications, Example application files – Echelon FTXL User Manual

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Example FTXL Applications

Overview of the Example Applications

The FTXL Developer’s Kit includes two example applications: the simple

example and a dynamic interface example. The simple example application is a
very simple application that simulates a voltage amplifier device. This device

receives an input voltage value, multiplies the value by 2, and returns the new

output value. The dynamic interface example application includes the same
functionality as the simple example application, but adds the ability to change

the SNVT types for two of the network variables and the ability to add (and

modify and delete) dynamic network variables.

The following sections describe the two example applications, including their

design, how to build them in the Nios II IDE, how to load them into the Nios II
processor in the FPGA device on the DBC2C20 development board, and how to

run them.

Example Application Files

The two FTXL example applications are provided as project templates for the
Nios IDE: the FTXL Simple project and the FTXL Dynamic Interface project.

Each project template includes only a few files and cannot be compiled or run as

is; you must run the LonTalk Interface Developer utility to generate and copy the
required files for the project.
The FTXL Simple project includes the files listed in Table 55. They are installed

to the [


]\nios2eds\examples\software\FTXL_Simple directory.

Table 55. FTXL Simple Example Files

File Name



C file for the implementations of the callback handler
functions for the application


Main application file


Readme file for the project, including a brief
description of the project, and hardware and operating

system requirements

Simple Example.lidprj

LonTalk Interface Developer project file


Model file for the application


Nios IDE project template file

The FTXL Dynamic Interface project includes the files listed in Table 56 on page

197. They are installed to the [



FTXL_DynamicInterface directory.