Echelon FTXL User Manual

Page 259

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FTXL User’s Guide




configuration property, 139

functional block, 126

functional block properties, 129
message tag, 145

network variable, 132


libf command, 112

LID#zzz messages, 230
loading application to flash, 107

loading, FPGA device, 103

LonCpTypes.h, 62

LonEventPump() function, 81
LonInit() function, 81

LonNvTypes.h, 62

LonPropagateNv() function, 83
LonTalk API.

See FTXL LonTalk API

LonTalk Interface Developer

code generator preferences, 61
command line interface, 112

compiler preferences, 60

compiling files, 61
configuring buffers, 58

configuring the application, 58

configuring the FTXL LonTalk protocol

stack, 57

constant configuration properties, 70

declarations, 68
files, 61

FTXL Transceiver configuration, 57

message tag table, 72
messages, 230

model file, 60

network variable attributes, 71
network variable table, 71

Nios II IDE, 105

non-volatile data, 58
overview, 21

program ID, 59

project file, 56

running, 56
service-pin-held events, 57

LonTalk Platform for FTXL Transceivers, 6

LonTalk Platform for ShortStack Micro

Servers, 5

LonTalk protocol, 2


device comparison, 8

file transfer protocol, 33

network, 2
network protocol, 2

single processor chip device, 3

two processor chip device, 4


management commands, 94
MegaCore IP Library, 102

memory use, FTXL application, 182

memory, managing, 46
message tag

declaring, 40

keywords, 145
syntax, 145

message tag table, 72

messages, LonTalk Interface Developer, 230
Micrium MicroC/OS-II operating system, 165

Micrium software license, 227

Micro Server, ShortStack, 5
model file

compiler directives, 120

example, 48
overview, 24

specifying, 60

syntax, 125


nc file, 24

network management, 95
network variable

attributes, 71

authentication, 44
binding, 30

changeable type, 30, 88

connection information, 135
defining, 28

dynamic, 92

initializer, 138
keywords, 132

modifier, 132

overview, 25
poll request, 88

property list, 138

receiving updates, 85
sending updates, 83

storage class, 134

syntax, 132

type, 134

network variable configuration table, 48

network variable table, 71

Neuron C

acceptable code, 43

anonymous top-level types, 43

legacy constructs, 44
programming language, 24

syntax, 125

types, 64

Neuron C model file.

See model file

Neuron-hosted device, 3

Nios II Embedded Design Suite, 102

application properties, 106