Ftxl developer’s kit overview, Installing the ftxl developer’s kit – Echelon FTXL User Manual
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Getting Started with FTXL
FTXL Developer’s Kit Overview
The FTXL Developer’s Kit is a development toolkit that contains the hardware
designs, software designs, and documentation needed for developing applications
that use an FTXL Transceiver. The kit includes the following components:
• Hardware and software design files for the FPGA design, including
Quartus II files, SOPC Builder files, and Nios IDE files
• Hardware component files for the FPGA development board
• The FTXL LonTalk protocol stack and FTXL LonTalk API, delivered as a
C object library
• Software source files for the FTXL LonTalk API
• A set of example programs that demonstrate how to use the FTXL
LonTalk API to communicate with a L
• The LonTalk Interface Developer utility, which defines parameters for
your FTXL host application program and generates required device
interface data for your device
• Documentation, including this
FTXL User’s Guide
, the
FTXL Hardware
, and HTML documentation for the FTXL API
The FTXL Developer’s Kit also refers to three hardware development boards that
are available from devboards GmbH,
. European customers
can also obtain these boards from EBV Elektronik GmbH,
. The
FTXL Developer’s Kit uses these boards for its examples and reference designs.
These boards are:
• The
DBC2C20 Altera Cyclone II Development Board
, which provides the
FPGA device and peripheral I/O
• The
FTXL Adapter Board
, which primarily provides voltage regulation
between the DBC2C20 development board and the FTXL Transceiver
• The
FTXL Transceiver Board
, which includes the FTXL 3190 Smart
Transceiver Chip and a L
network connector
Contact your Altera representative for information about acquiring a Nios II
development license.
See the
FTXL Hardware Guide
for more information about the hardware
development boards and the reference designs for the FTXL Developer’s Kit.
The software for the FTXL Developer’s Kit is available as a free download from
Installing the FTXL Developer’s Kit
The FTXL Developer’s Kit requires the following software:
• Altera Quartus II software, Version 7.2 or later
• Altera Nios II EDS integrated development environment (IDE), Version
7.2 or later