Delta MMC120 User Manual
Page 28

Motion Control Parameters
MMC120 Linear Motion Control Module
Delta Computer Systems, Inc. 360/254-8688
go negative if the motion controller overshoots the target. This is useful for some injection and blow-molding
applications. When this bit is set, two changes are made to the way Open Loop mode is used:
After completing a move the axis is automatically placed in Open Loop mode with the drive set
to null.
When a “P” command is sent to the axis, it is placed in Open Loop mode with the drive set to
Bit 12 - Continue Mode bit
This bit affects what happens when the module loses contact with the PLC. When this bit is set, the module
will finish any move it has started; otherwise it will halt immediately upon detecting loss of contact with the
PLC. This is useful for finishing a move which must complete to prevent the machine from stopping in an
incomplete state (for example, a partial shot in an injection molding machine).
Bit 13 - Simulate bit
When this bit is set, the drive output is set to null and the magnetostrictive transducer inputs are ignored.
Internally the TARGET POSITION is used as the ACTUAL POSITION. This mode is used for debugging.
(The transducer error bits and LEDS will be cleared.)
Bit 14 - Divide by 4
When this bit is set and bit 15 is cleared, the transducer counts are divided by four before being used by the
MMC120. When bits 14 and 15 are both set, the transducer counts are divided by eight.
Bit 15 - Divide by 2
When this bit is set and bit 14 is cleared, the transducer counts are divided by two before being used by the
MMC120. When bits 14 and 15 are both set, the transducer counts are divided by eight.
Bit 16 - Integrator Limit
When this bit is cleared, the integrator limit is 20%. When the bit is set, the limit is 80%. If the integrator
tries to go above the limit, the Integrator Windup bit in the Status word is set and the integrator value is held
at the limit. The integrator limit is designed to prevent the drive output from saturating.