Generac Power Systems 53187 User Manual

Page 62

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Engine Tolerances


Connecting Rod (Continued):

Connecting Rod to
Crankpin Oil Clearance

Allow able Lim it.................... 0.008 Inch

Connecting Rod
Bolt Torque ........................ 22-25 Ft.-Lbs.


Standard Diam eter of
Main Journal ...................... 1.8110 inch
Standard Tolerance of
Main Journal ...................... 1.8096-1.8100 Inch
Allow able Lim it of

Main Journal ...................... 1.7874 Inch
Main Journal Undersize_____ 0.010, 0.020 Inch
Cram kpln Standard
Diam eter ............................ 1.5354 Inch
Crankpin Standard

Tolerance............................ 1.5340-1.5344 inch
Allow able Crankping Lim it .. 1.5118 Inch

Crankpin Undersize.............. 0.010, 0.020 inch
Standard Crankshaft
Deflection........................... Less than 0.001 inch
Maxim um Allow able
Crankshaft Deflection .......... 0.002 inch
Standard Axial
Crankshaft Play................... 0.002 inch
Maxim um Allow able Axial
Crankshaft Play................... 0.020 inch
Standard Thickness of
Thrust W asher..................... 0.079 inch
Standard Tolerance
of Thrust W asher................. 0.077-0.079 inch
Maxim um Allow able Thickness
of Thrust W asher................. 0.071 inch
Tolerance of Oil Clearance

Betw een Crankshaft Journal
and Center Bearing.............. 0.0015-0.0036 Inch
Maxim um Allow able Oil
Clearance Betw een Crankshaft

Journal and Center Bearing . 0.0078 Inch


Cam shaft:

Standard Height of Cam

Tolerance for Intake &

Exhaust............................... 1.0413-1.0433 inch
Minim um Allow able Cam Height

for Intake & Exhaust ............ 1.0276 Inch
Standard Cam Height
for Injection Pum p............... 0.9425-0.9472 inch

Minim um Allow able Injection
Pum p Cam Height................ 0.9370 inch
Standard Cam Height for
Feed Pum p ......................... 1.0590-1.0630 inch
Minim um Alow able Cam Hieght
for Feed Pum p..................... 1.0236 Inch
Standard Cam Gear

Backlash ............................. 0.003 Inch
Maxim um Cam Gear
Backlash .............................0.012 inch



and Fits (Continued)

^ “ (thickness)


Standard Diam eter of

Intake Valve Stem ................ 0.
Maxim um Allow able Diam eter

of Intake Valve Stem ............. 0.
Standard Diam eter of

Exhaust Valve Stem .............. 0.
Maxim um Allow able Diam eter
of Exhaust Valve Stem ...........0,
Standard Clearance Betw een

Intake Valve Stem and Valve

Guide..................■ ............... 0.

Maxim um Clearance Betw een
Intake Valve Stem and Valve

Guide.................................. 0,
Standard Clearance Betw een

Exhaust Valve Stem and
Maxim um Clearance Betw een
Exhaust Valve Stem and


Valve Standard Thickness .. 0
Valve Thickness Standard


Maxim um Allow able Valve

Thickness............................. 0

Valve Clearance- Intake &
Exhaust (W hen Cold).............0

2744-0.2738 Inch

2713 inch

2740-0.2736 Inch

2693 inch

001-0.002 inch

,0079 inch

.0016-0.0026 inch

.010 Inch
.039 inch

.036-0.042 inch

,020 Inch

.008-0.020 inch

Valve Springs:

Force Required to Com press
Springs to a Length of 1.197
inch.....................................17.86 pounds
Valve Spring Standard
Free Length......................... 1.3779 Inch
Valve Spring Minim um
Free Length......................... 1.3189 Inch
Standard Valve Spring
Squareness ..........................Less than 0.047 inch

Replace Spritig if Out-of-

Square More Than................. 0.079 Inch