Remote radiator fan – Generac Power Systems 53187 User Manual

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Section 5.6



Som e NP series generators are not equipped w ith

a unit-m ounted radiator. The radiator on these units is
m ounted at a rem ote iocation in the vehicle that houses
the generator. Generator m odels requiring a rem ote-
m ounted radiator, such as Model 9319, incorporate the
follow ing into their electrical system :

□ An electrically operated RADIATOR FAN (RF), along

w ith a tem perature sensor sw itch (TS).

□ A squirrel cage COMPARTMENT FAN (CPF) w hich

draw s cooling and. ventilating air through the com ­
partm ent that houses the generator.

Compartment Fan

The com partm ent fan m ust be properly located

during installation so that, w hen running, it w ill draw
cooling and ventilating air through the generator com ­
partm ent and expel the air to the outdoors. The fan Is

required since an engine-driven cooling fan is not pro­

The fan m otor is connected to generator AC output

leads 11 and 22. W hen the generator is running and
AG voltage is available, the fan w ill operate.

The Remote Radiator Assembly


Major com ponents of the rem ote radiator and fan

assem bly include (a) the radiator, (b) the fan, (c) a
therm ostatic sw itch, (d) m ounting hardw are, and (e)
w iring harnesses. See Figure 3 on next page.

Figure 2 (below ) is an operating diagram of the

rem ote radiator assem bly.

Figure 1. Typical Com partm ertt Fan


See Rgure 2. Battery voltage for fan operation is

alw ays available to Term inal 30 of the fan relay (SR),
via a 14 am p fuse and W ire 13A. How ever, fan relay
norm ally-open contacts are open and the fan is not

running. On cranking and startup, the engine control

circuit board delivers 12 volts DC to the therm ostatic
sw itch (TS) via W ire 14, the relay coil, and W ire 243.
Coolant tem perature Is below 180’ F. and the therm o­
static sw itch contacts are open. W hen coolant tem per­
ature rises above 180' F., the sw itch contacts close and

W ire 243 is grounded. The relay (SR) energizes, its
norm ally-open contacts close, and DC voltage is deliv­
ered to the fan (RF) via W ire 244. The fan runs.

PAGE 5.6-1