YSI 9600 User Manual
Page 89

How would I decide which detector cell to order?
Your choice should be based on the nitrate levels that normally exist in the water that you intend to
monitor. For applications where typical nitrate levels are over 2 mg/L of nitrate-nitrogen, the 9600 should
be configured with a 2 mm cell; for applications where typical nitrate levels are below 2 mg/L, the monitor
should be equipped with a 10 mm detector cell. The 9600-02 and 9600-10 are designed primarily for
freshwater and estuarine/near coastal applications, respectively, but there may be some cases where the
greater range of the 9600-02 will be required for brackish water studies and some cases where freshwater
nitrate levels are consistently low enough to require the greater accuracy of the 9600-10.
Can I order a 9600-02 and a separate 10 mm detector and switch the cells myself to fit the
No. Users cannot change the detector cell that was purchased with their particular 9600. While detector
cells can be switched from 2 mm to 10 mm or vice versa, this action must be carried out by YSI personnel
and requires a return of the 9600 monitor to the factory.
What is the detection limit for the 9600?
Laboratory studies show that typical detection limits for the 10 mm and 2 mm detector cells are 0.005 and
0.025 mg/L of nitrate-N, respectively. Note that YSI uses the term “detection limit” to identify the lowest
level of typical reading change which can be quantified by the analyzer near a value of zero analyte. Thus,
a 9600-10 can consistently show a difference in absorbance between a blank solution and one that has a
concentration of 0.005 mg/L of nitrate-N. Note that the detection limit is different from the accuracy as
defined in the next section.
What accuracy does the Model 9600 provide?
With a 2 mm pathlength cell, the instrument is accurate to 5 % of the reading or 0.2 mg/L nitrate-N,
whichever is greater in the 0-6 mg/L range. In the 6-10 mg/L nitrate-N range, the 9600 is accurate within
10 % of the reading. With a 10 mm detector cell, the accuracy is increased to 5 % of the reading or 0.02
mg/L, whichever is greater, in the 0-2 mg/L range.
Do I have to write any software routines to control the mixing of chemicals in the instrument?
No. The instrument software comes with two control programs for two applications – typical nitrate levels
(0-5 mg/L of nitrate-N) and high nitrate levels (5-10 mg/L of nitrate-N). All the user has to do is to select
one of these choices and the instrument software does the rest. The set-up of the instrument is via a
“Wizard” similar to that used in many Microsoft Windows
If I have a special application, can I generate unique flow injection sequences to serve my needs?
This feature is not available at the initial release of the product, but will be available in the future. Please
contact YSI Technical Support to inquire as to whether the feature has been activated in the software.
Does the 9600 have CE approval?
Yes, the 9600 will bear the CE sticker and thus be compliant with all electromagnetic emission and
immunity requirements in countries where these regulations are relevant as long as an optional ferrite bead
is installed on the instrument cable as described in Section 11 of the manual.
YSI Environmental
Model 9600 Nitrate Monitor