YSI 9600 User Manual
Page 37

• You wish to start a deployment study IN THE FIELD as described in Section 4.4 below and you have
already run (and passed) a Predeployment Check in the laboratory.
• After performing and passing the Predeployment Check and starting a deployment as described below,
you realize that a mistake has been made in one or more of the entries you made in the Predeployment
Setup Wizard as shown below. These entries include the sample interval, the file and site names, the
standard concentration, and the time for starting the deployment. Under these conditions, you should
stop the deployment and then return immediately to the Predeployment Setup screen, and then
bypassing the Predeployment Check by clicking the Next button.
• After deploying an instrument following a successful Predeployment Check and valid Predeployment
Setup entries, you return to the field, access the instrument in real-time with a laptop PC and decide
that conditions warrant a change in either file/site name (you might be moving the instrument to a new
location) or sample interval. As above, you should then stop the deployment, return immediately to
the Predeployment Setup screen, and then bypass the Predeployment Check by clicking the Next
For most deployments, click the “Start Predeployment System Check” button to proceed. The following
screen will appear indicating that the predeployment check has begun. Note that a countdown timer will
indicate the progress of the test and that the test will take approximately 1 hour. If you want to stop the
test for any reason, simply click the “Cancel” button at the top of the window.
After the test is complete, one of two types of display will appear – indicating that the test was successful
or that it failed the test criteria – as shown below.
YSI Environmental
Model 9600 Nitrate Monitor