YSI 9600 User Manual
Page 41

Note that you can also choose to Log Immediately by clicking on the box to activate a check mark, in
which case the calibration routine will start as soon as you complete the information on the set-up screen
and click the Finish button. Users should be aware that choosing this option will almost always result in
their samples being run at times that are not on the hour, the half hour, or the quarter hour. As an example,
if you choose a 1 hour sample interval and choose the Log Immediately option and start the study at 15:50,
the calibration routine will begin immediately and the first sample will be logged 1 hour after the start of
the calibration, i.e., at 16:50.
• Enter the concentration value of the standard that you have chosen to use. VALUES MUST BE
ENTERED IN MG/L OF NITRATE-NITROGEN. YSI recommends that you use a standard with a
value of 1.00 mg/L nitrate-N for your first deployment.
• Enter the LogFile Name – the designation that will identify the data from the study both within the
9600 memory and after upload to your computer. NOTE CAREFULLY: The LogFile entry must be 8
characters or less and must not use illegal Windows filename characters such as /, \, |, period, colon,
asterisk, question mark, greater than, less than, space and comma.
• Enter the Site Name – usually this is simply a phrase that describes the deployment such as “Upstream
Bridge at Clear Stream”. Note that all keyboard characters can be used for the Site Name, but the
length is limited to 31 characters.
• Confirm that the ID which you entered in Section 3.5 above is correct or alter it if desired.
Once you have entered all of the information into the set-up Wizard, simply click the Finish button at the
bottom of the screen and the confirmatory display shown at right below will appear.
IMPORTANT: After you start your deployment, you MUST make a decision as to WHEN to remove the
second sample bag from the inlet port and replace it with the inlet filter. The choice of time for the
change is dictated by the fact that the 9600 should not attempt to run a sample when there is no liquid
covering the inlet port. If the inlet filter is exposed to air when a sample routine is run, air will be sucked
into the system and could compromise the accuracy of several subsequent points until all of the gas is
purged from the system. In addition, extended pumping of air into the system will inactivate the cadmium
column and result in complete instrument malfunction. To prevent problems from developing, you have
two choices:
YSI Environmental
Model 9600 Nitrate Monitor